Luchadorəs, two solo shows by Anahi Mariotti and Sofia Moriggi

Luchadorəs is a critical reflection on forms of empowerment. Comprising two solo shows, the exhibition hosts works of photography, sound art, and art installations based on a collaboration between Anahi Mariotti and Sofia Moriggi. Luchadorəs engages with overcoming gender violence and collective resistance, highlighting unforeseeable dynamics of oppression exercised on spaces and bodies. The exhibition’s itinerary within the spaces of the Women’s House Lucha y Siesta focuses on critical concepts, such as strength, sisterhood and self-determination. It shows us how gender violence cannot be treated without consistency as isolated cases but rather tackled as a culturally rooted phenomenon. Luchadorəs invites audiences on an experiential and conceptual journey through the stages of overcoming violence, such as recognition, encounter and self-discovery.

The following is a visual essay on the exhibition, by Valeria Collina.

Room one

Room two

Room three

Room four
