Anahi Mariotti

Quel momento in cui ho capito che ce l’avevo fatta (When I understood I made it) (2023) Two-channel video installation, 9’54” photo by Valeria Collina

Anahi Mariotti is an activist with the Casa delle Donne Lucha y Siesta and a queer person. Mariotti’s research is based on several axes: relationship, body, memory, feminism, and territory. Mariotti uses various artistic mediums related to her thinking processes, with a preference for site-specific work and relational art. In recent years, Mariotti has been engaged in countering gender-based violence. This experience has led to the study of power dynamics and oppression; now, it is time to use art to deconstruct them. Researching Mariotti’s own body has guided research on other related experiences of resistant bodies. The narrative of lives, the connection between lived experiences, and the voice of collective bodies help explore territories and create research on their heritage.


>Prefiguring World(s) Through Artistic Practice