Ilenia Caleo

Performer, activist and researcher. Since 2000 she has worked as an actress, performer and dramaturg for the contemporary stage, working with various companies and directors. She is a research fellow with the IUAV in Venice and co-founder of the Master’s Degree in Gender Studies and Policies at Roma Tre University. She collaborates with the research project “INCOMMON. In praise of community. Shared creativity in arts and politics in Italy (1959-1979)”, ERC Starting Grant 2015. She has recently published ‘Performance, Materia, Affetti. Una cartografia femminista‘ (Bulzoni 2021) and co-edited with Annalisa Sacchi and Piersandra Di Matteo ‘In fiamme. La performance nello spazio delle lotte 1967/1979‘ (b-r-u-n-o, 2021). Her research focuses on corporeality, feminist epistemologies, experimentation in the performing arts, new institutions and forms of cultural work.


>Practitheorising Counterinstiitutions
>Feminist Circular Economies
>Refusal and Imagination