Marina De Angelis 

Marina De Angelis works as economist and statistician at the Governmental Department for Cohesion Policies (Strategia Nazionale Aree Interne, previously OpenCoesione). She holds a PhD in Economics awarded by Sapienza University of Rome. Her research interests focus mainly on impact evaluation of public policy, women’s empowerment, micro finance and migration. Marina has collaborated with public institutions (Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Economic Development, residency of the Council of Ministers, National Body for Microcredit and OCSE) and private ones (Speha Fresia, European Microfinance Network, PlaNet Finance and Vides International). Moreover, she has coordinated the project “Development of a training model for the strengthening of microfinance in Uganda”, funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose research and training activities were mainly related to women’s empowerment and the development of the agricultural sector by the strengthening of the microfinance sector.


>Prefiguring World(s) Through Artistic Practice